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"Observations were performed and analysed with a laser-scanning confocal microscope (Olympus FluoView, FV1000, Tokyo, Japan). table ft1 table-wrap mode="anchored" t5 Table 1 caption a7 Antigen Code Host Dilution Supplier Primary antibodies P2Y 1 APR-009 Rabbit 1:75 Alomone P2Y 6 APR-011 Rabbit 1:100 Alomone P2Y 6 ABIN1386282 Rabbit 1:150 Antibodies Online P2X1 APR-001 Rabbit 1:50 Alomone P2X3 APR-016 Rabbit 1:100 Alomone NTPDase2 BZ1-5F Rabbit 1:400 J. Sevigny Cytokeratin 20 (CK20) M7019 Mouse 1:100 Dako Vimentin M0725 Mouse 1:150 Dako NF160 Ab7794 Mouse 1:600 Abcam VAChT AB1578 Goat 1:750 Chemicon Secondary antibodies Alexa Fluor 488 anti-rb A-21206 Donkey 1:1500 Mol."